Gaukhei tour

Norsk tekst

The summer 2003 we made a family World Tour.
The summer 2005 we made a family Gaukhei Tour

We drove by car to Ljosland in Åseral, and all the way up to the Langevatn Dam where we had ordered a taxi boat. 

From Langevatn to Pytten there is a 2 hours walk. Then it is a steep hill up to Bergehei and a 3 hours walk to Gaukhei. Gaukhei is a staffed mountain lodge, and we had a 3-course dinner. Next time we will order in advance, so that the meal is ready when we arrive - 

From Gaukhei to Josephsbu there is a 3 hours walk in easy terrain. Josephsbu is a self service lodge, new and well equipped. We returned to Langevatn via Pytten. That is a 6 hours walk, and the first part of it is on nice mountain ridges. We used our cell phone on the mountain top and ordered the taxi boat.

Maps:    Vest-Agder county   Ljosland in Åseral                      KOT route Ljosland - Gaukhei       DNT-touristinfo Gaukhei

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The taxi boat arrives in Langevatn


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On our way towards Skothommen


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We had a rest at the old ruins.
We read from the book about Ola Pytten and his adventures.


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The Pytten cottage in sight.


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From Pytten there is a steep hill up to Bergehei.


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On Bergehei the walk is straight ahead.


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The northern part of Bergehei

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Gaukhei, seen from Bergehei
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When we started the next day we had local guides
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A little duck
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We shall go to the end of the lakes -
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Josephsbu is at the eastern shore of the Hadvor's lake.
It is a self service lodge with provisions stored.
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Josephsbu in morning sun
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A ripe cloud-berry
It was a bit pre season. Most of them were not ripe
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East towards Storolasvatnet (Big Ola's lake)
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Down to Hestekvæven
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This was a nice cave. It would be possible to stay overnight here.
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Stegil lake, and the valley up towards Gaukhei.
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It is not staffed, and it is not preserved. But it is open, 
and you may stay overnight. The price was fair: 20 kr.
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From the old lodge back to Pytten cottage. 
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A goodbye from the hills of Norway
See you later!

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Boat transport - The Dam in the rear. 
The boat trip is 10 min. A walk around the lake is possible, 
- about 2 hours in a a boggy terrain.


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Skothommen is at the other end of the lake
Ola Olavson Pytten (1871-1967) was born here.
He was cattle trader and a famous storyteller.
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Good mountain water in the Monn river.
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Pytten farm was was unhabitaded 60 years ago.  
You get a glimpse of an old tourist lodge to the left.
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On top of the mountain we had a refreshing bath

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- cool water

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Atle looking down to Gaukhei
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The Gaukhei lodge
There we had a good dinner and a good night's sleep 
There were several guests. We slept on the loft above the living room.
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The bridge over the Monn river.
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Can you see the grouse?
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Halv an hour walk and at the next lake
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Breakfest at the lodge
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We decided to return to Langevatn from Josephsbu.
On top of the hill east of Josephsbu we picked cloud-berries.
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Cloud-berries are a the best! We will have them for our Christmas Eve desert!
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A grand view -
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Lise liked to check up caves
This one was not dry
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View from the cave.  
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We came to the old tourist lodge at Pytten.
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The kitchen was OK -
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At Skothommen we enjoyed our last "emergency provisions" 
- a chocolate.
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When we came home we had pizza and coke -
Sist endra: 05.11.2005

 © Harald Storaker

E-post:    hasto @