David's Place

norsk tekst
David's Place is on the island Tavewa. There were three resorts there. They had been in business for 30 years.

There were nice traditional built bures. New bures were also built with traditional materials in old handicraft traditions. Bathrooms were shared. Food and entertainment were also in a common room. 

We stayed together with a lively gang from Scotland and England. Our youngsters enjoyed their company. The staff running the place were hired from neighbouring islands, and many also from mainland (Nadi). The night entertainment was singing, dancing, playing cards and chatting with the other guests. 

The island was small, ca 3 km long. There was a hiking track along the hillside, and the view at the top point was nice.

David's Place in Travel Maxima
David's Place in Pacific Island Travel

Davids place.jpg (159451 byte) David's Place had bures biuilt in traditional style.
bure1.jpg (92843 byte) Our bure
Tavewa mot nord.jpg (63977 byte) View southwords, from the top of the island.
sjefane2.jpg (104711 byte) David who runs the place
scotsmen.jpg (52103 byte) The humerous Scotsmen and Englishmen.
musikk1.jpg (71352 byte) David's Place had their own musicians. They played dance music, and welcommed the new guests at the beach.
kava-rot.jpg (72458 byte) We got a demostration of kava. Here they show the root of taqona that the kava-powder was made of.
kava presse.jpg (42438 byte) Kava looks like muddy water, - and tastes like muddy water.
Cave trip 4.jpg (46573 byte) They had to climb, jump and swim to get inside the cave.

dykker8.jpg (77325 byte)

Mondasy Atle and I joined a fishing tour, - fishing with harpoon. We set up camp on a beach north of the "Blue Lagoon". 
Here is Solo who was the leader. He had a scar on his shoulder after contact with a shark.

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Hre is a cute little fish that was harpooned.

lunch naturell.jpg (78291 byte)

The fish was what we got for lunch. They made a fire at the edge of the forest. When the fire had burned down, they cut some sticks of palms that they put on the hot coals as grating, and then the fish was grilled. 
harald i blue lagoon.jpg (41828 byte) While the threee fishermen were fishing the rest of us made a walk to the Blue Lagoon. There was good conditions for snorkelling.
barn stranda.jpg (39280 byte) Some children at the beach near David's Place.

rake lauv.jpg (33990 byte)

Some youths working as vlunteers at David's Place. The local Youth Club got the money for thier work they did.
david2.jpg (94033 byte) David watch the youth working. The little girl was very keen at her work.
kirka.jpg (75602 byte) Sunday we went to the local church. We all sat on mats. The singing was impressive. There were many children there, and they behaved very well.

bure inni.jpg (59506 byte)

A picture from inside our own bure.
bure bygg3.jpg (87703 byte)
bure-farewell.jpg (126080 byte) A farewell picture.
farewell1.jpg (102892 byte) ISA LEI!
They sing us farewell.
fra blue lagoon.jpg (47841 byte) Here is the island Tavewa seen from The Blue Lagoon, - known from a 1980 movie starring Brooke Shields.
caral view resort.jpg (52643 byte) Utsikt fra ein tur opp til toppen av øya. Her ser vi nordover og ned til et anna turistmottak, Coral View Resort.
Tavewa1.jpg (37707 byte) View south towards The Blue Lagoon
boat1.jpg (33218 byte) Here is the boat that was used to landing from the "Yellow Boat", and for day trips.

david3.jpg (26313 byte)

And the other David, a backpacker from Scotland, the chief entertainer among the guests. He enjoyed himself at the island, and had prolonged his stay here for a couple of weeks.
linedance1.jpg (98503 byte) Linedance at night
dans2.jpg (78592 byte) The way of dancing was easy to learn.  Three in a row walked forward, each of the turned round, they walked back, and so on.

kavapressing.jpg (18742 byte)

Squeezing the kava
tur grotte1.jpg (60323 byte) The young people had a trip to the caves of Sawa I Lau. It was an hour northwords by boat.
grotte2.jpg (20452 byte) Inside the cave.
dykker5.jpg (62430 byte) Solo, Atle and one more did the fishing. They swam in nearly two hours along the edge of the reef.
dykker7.jpg (108361 byte) Dei dived and searched under the corals.
fiskerne.jpg (27361 byte) Her Atle and Solo s coming ashore with their catch. They had swum to the reef far out in the rear.
lunch naturell2.jpg (79312 byte) The fish was served with vegetables. - delicious!!
barn med fisk.jpg (36344 byte) They caught fish.
kyllinger.jpg (54722 byte) A hen with chickens - going free.
bure-skur.jpg (47105 byte) A picture from inside a local bure.
kirka ute.jpg (44220 byte) The church was a simple bure . They had a collection that was to raise money for a new church. They planned to build  next year.
bure bygg2.jpg (116717 byte) Some men from a neighbouring island were contracted to build new bures. They should use a month. Most all of the materials were local made.
bure og tre.jpg (75916 byte) A new bure, - and a big tree.
avreise2.jpg (44239 byte) On our way to "Yellow Boat", which shall take us on our four hous voyage back to Nadi.


 Sist endra: 14.08.2005

 © Harald Storaker

E-post:    hasto @ online.no