Pinetop - Grand Canyon

Map:   Arizona

  Norsk tekst

01 hotell Phoenix.jpg (74656 byte)
The first night we stayed at a hotel in Phoenix
03 pinetop.jpg (91803 byte)
We arrived Pinetop and saw the nice home of the Hall family
05 Hall hall.jpg (78058 byte)
The Hall family had a great hall!
61 farvel.jpg (43969 byte)
 Melanie and Spencer
08 nordover flatt.jpg (29734 byte)
Lise joined us on an Arizona tour. 
First we drove north towards Grand Canyon
10 lise utfor.jpg (49527 byte)
Lise climbing in the rocks
12 desert view flagg.jpg (43965 byte)
A worn Norwegian flag at Desert View.
14 lise GC.jpg (67526 byte)
The weather was nice, - but cold -
16 lise fotgraferer GC.jpg (87216 byte)
A fantastic view -
19 lise paa kanten.jpg (50321 byte)
Fantastic -
22 morgensol GC.jpg (56329 byte)
We stayed overnight in the tourist village.
Next morning there was new snow.
I had a walk along the cliffs in the morning sun.
24 morgensol GC.jpg (68527 byte)
The golden colours of the morning sun
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We were queueing up to go for a bus ride eastwords, 
into the National Park. There were buses each 30 min.
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Fantastic -
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The bus ride ended at Hermits Rest
32 hermits rest utsikt.jpg (56871 byte)
The view from Hermits Rest
02 salt river.jpg (64676 byte)
Next day we drove up to Pinetop.
We passed great mountains and the canyon of  Salt River
Glad to see you!!!
06 Hall family.jpg (63513 byte)
Here we are all together celebrating Easter Day
07 Harris.jpg (52933 byte)
We visited Blue Ridge High School.
Lise's counselor, Mrs. Harris, had Norwegian roots.
09 desert view.jpg (55919 byte)
We drove on plains for miles, - suddenly the plains ended, 
we were at Desert View, the eastern part of Grand Canyon
11 lise opp igjen.jpg (67718 byte)
- she got up again
13 harald GC.jpg (68184 byte)
It is grand!!!
15 prairyulven.jpg (19280 byte)
A coyote in the woods close by
17 lise ser GC.jpg (61517 byte)
Fantastic -
20 lise paa kanten.jpg (52352 byte)
Fantastic -
21 morgensol GC.jpg (70815 byte)
The light and the shadows were changing
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Luckily there was no snow on the roads -
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A bus-stop with a great view-point, like a pulpit.
I did not feel comfortable, even if there was a fence -
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Fantastic -
31 hermits rest.jpg (76156 byte)
Hermits Rest was a nice old stone cottage.
We had a rest and a warm drink at the fireplace.
33 sedona2.jpg (94326 byte)
Next stop: - SEDONA! 
Sist endra: 16.11.2005

 © Harald Storaker

E-post:    hasto @