Descendants of Carl Edvard Dahl The Reunion was of descendants of Edward Dahl (1856-1929). He emigrated from Denmark in 1877 and came in 1878 to New Zealand. He was married toElisabeth Turner in 1883, and they settled in North Palmerstone. Today there are about 170 descendants in New Zealand and Australia. About 80 of them came to the reunion. Many of them did not know of each other beforehand. The first Dahl: Gunder Dahl The surname Dahl was established by the father's father of Edvard, Gunder Toresen (1764-1864) who came from Kåfjordnes or Ramsdal in Sør-Audnedal (Lindesnes) parish, Aust-Agder county in Norway. In 1801 census we find him as merchant in Arendal usig the name Gunder Dahl. His father's father was Gunder Tjøstelsen Ramsdal ( - 1744). He was my ggggg-grandfather. My contribution My contribution to the reunion was a lecture about Gunder Dahl, the placece he came from and how Norwegian surnames were established. I had made a PowerPoint presentation, and got help from Stan to borrow a laptop and a projector. Thorough preparations Justine had done a tremendous groundwork to the reunion. She got help from a cousin to make outprints of the genealogy. They had made table mats with Dahl pictures, name labels, picture collages and a complete genealogy tree with all branches, including the link to Storakers in Norway. They had also prepared group sessions with questionairs and formulas to picture ordering.
Sist endra: 11.08.2005 |
© Harald Storaker |
E-post: hasto @ online.no |