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skjedde ein vårdag i 2001. Eg var blitt fasinert av å leite fram
navn i folketellingane på internett. Eg kikka regelmessig gjennom
etterlysningar etter slekt i norske og amerikanske forum.
Linkar eg brukte
- skiftande tradisjonar for bruk av etternavn, patronym og
- ulike stavemåtar av både personnavn og stedsnavn,
- tilpassing av navn til engelsk språk.
Eg kom i kontakt med mange hyggelige norsk-amerikanarar. Eg hadde hjulpe
dei med å finne forfedrene
sine, og noen har fått kontakt med nålevande slektningar.
Så kom eg over denne etterlyninga. Eg trur det var i Message Board,
9, 2001.
I am looking for Dahl family from the Valle District in Norway and
Kroganas farm in Tromo, Norway.
My g.grandfather Karl Edvard Dahl was born in Arundal in Denmark after his
family moved there from Norway, then he emmigrated to New Zealand and took the post as Vice Consulate.
Eg gjetta på at det måtte vere Tromøy ved Arendal det gjaldt, og
undersøkte i 1865 tellinga og på internett-kart. Eg fant garden
Krøgenes. Den kunne ha vore stava Krøgenæs, og det kunne ha blitt til
Eg gav dette svaret:
10. April,
My guess is that the family is from Krøgenes farm, Tromøy parish,
Arendal, Aust-Agder county.
Valle is perhaps Valle parish north in Aust-Agder county, - there are also
other places called Valle.
Harald Storaker
Det kom et svar med interessante tilleggsopplysningar:
Thommes Dahl 1763 married to Gertrude Marie Fashland
1. Gunder Dahl, born 1765, Qualjordnos farm, Valle District, d. 3 May,
1845, Birkenlund farm, Aust-Agder county, m.t. Christiane Marie Rasmussen
2. Christian Fashland Dahl, b. 16 Nov. 1767, Qualjordnos farm Valle
District, d. 24 June 1864, Krogenes farm Tromoy District Aust-Agder county,
m.t. Margarethe Campbell.
hadde ant at Valle i Setesdal var lite sannsynlig. Nå sjekka eg Valle
sogn i Vest-Agder, - Sør-Audnedal.
april, 2001
My guess is Kaafjordnes farm
in Valle parish, west of Mandal, Vest-Agder county. A neighbouring farm to
Kaafjord is called Fasseland. I have the bygdebok of Sør-Audnedal (farm
history book), but I do not find Christian Dahl at Kaafjordnes.
Kaafjordnes is 150 km west of Krøgenes, Tromøy. Both are coastal farms,
with plenty of sailors.
The 1801 census of Kaafjordnes farm:
973 Thore Gundersen Hosbonde 64 Begge i 1ste ægteskab Bonde og fisker M
974 Giertru Maria Christensdatr Hans kone 59 Begge i 1ste ægteskab K
975 Tønnes Thoresen Deres søn 13 Ugivt M
The bygdebook tells that the wife Giertru is from Fasseland farm. If these
people used conventional naming of their children, the eldest son should
be called Gunder and the second Christen after his grandfather (Christen
Ingebretsen Fasseland). They may be dead or out in the world. I do not
find them in the parish in 1801.
Så kom gjennombruddet:
12. april
It defintitly is the same farm! And
we are
relatives! Thommes Dahl was born in 1736 as Thore Gundersen Ramsdal. He
was brother of Berte Gundersdatter Ramsdal (1738-1810). She is my
Berte Gundersdatter in 1801, she was on Rødberg farm:
I found Gunder Thoresen Dahl in the 1801 census
in Arendal:
His wife is Kristina Maria Mogensdatter. Compared with your family tree I
then guess that her father's name is Mogens Rasmussen. I found him in the 1801
census Barbu:
973 Thore Gundersen Hosbonde 64 Begge i 1ste ægteskab Bonde og fisker M
974 Giertru Maria Christensdatr Hans kone 59 Begge i 1ste ægteskab K
975 Tønnes Thoresen Deres søn 13 Ugivt M
The bygdebook tells that the wife Giertru is from Fasseland farm. If these
people used conventional naming of their children, the eldest son should
be called Gunder and the second Christen after his grandfather (Christen
Ingebretsen Fasseland). They may be dead or out in the world. I do not
find them in the parish in 1801.
12. April
WELL! WELL! to put it in Kiwi language - I am
stoked. that is to say,
awesome, wonderful, fantastic.
I am