Baudette, Minnesota

Map:   Minnesota and North Dakota

  Norsk tekst
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From Phoenix we had a flight to Minneapolis airport. A guard  laughed when he saw our car: "Do you really want that little car?"
The car was big enough for us. We drove to Chuck and Gina
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The next day Chuck and Gina showed us Minnesota stores.
There was a huge amusement park in the middle of the warehouse!
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We suddenly were stopped by a policeman. His name was Bustrak and I could tell that was Telemark origin. He was very gentle. 
He gave us information about 55 Mph and a written warning.
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Andrea and the kids were visiting her family, so Harald was alone. Here he is showing us Kyrkjehelsing (from Lyngdal)
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Baudette was a little town about the size of Lyngdal.
This picture was taken from the town bridge towards the center
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Harald is a pastor with three churches. Here is the main church, 
with offices and rooms for different activities
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Here is the third church, with a small but active community
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The view from inside the westernmost church
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Close to the church an American Eagle had its nest
There also were many black bears in the neighbourhood
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They used a hoover boat to get to their cottage
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Gina (Virginia) is a second cousin to Berit. Gina and Chuck (Charles Peterson) have been in Mandal visiting Berit's parents 
We were met with great hospitality
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In the afternoon we drove north, - all flat, and great roads.
The road was straight ahed like an endless runway
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The plain continued all the way to Budette. We passed the watershed without noticing any altitude at all.
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Harald og Andrea Bringsjord we got to know 1997-2000 when they stayed in Lyngdal. We were together in a bible study group. 
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Their house was in rural surroundings, nice near the river
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This is north from the bridge. Harald's house is on the brink to the right side, and the Canadian border bridge is to the left
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Many activities, - Andrea is in the quilting
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Inside the main church
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It was on the southern shore of the Lake of the Woods.
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We had a dinner by some friends of Harald. They had a cottage out in the wilderness, and showed us some great pictures,
Harald had shown them my pictures of hunting on Bringsjord
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Then it was time for goodbye to Harald. - See you later!
Next stop: - Valley City! 
Sist endra: 16.11.2005

 © Harald Storaker

E-post:    hasto @